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safety assessment

Operation standard

<People’s republic of China’s fire extinguishing laws>

< Stateorgans, public organizations, enterprises, institutions, fire safetyregulations>

< Thewarehouse fire safety management rules>

The hazardous chemical materials safety management regulations(state council order no. 344)

GBJ16-87 "code for fire protection design of buildings

GB50045-95 《The code for fire protection design oftall buildings》

GB50222-95 《Thecode for fire protection design of building interior decoration》

GB50084-2001 《automatic sprinkler fire extinguishingsystem design standard》

GB50116-98  《fire extinguishing alarm system design standard》

GB50160-92   《petrochemical enterprises’ design fire standard》

GBJ74-84  《Oillibrary design specification》

GB50058-92 《The explosion and fire dangerousenvironment electrical device design specification》

GB50028-93  《Urbangas design specifications》

DGJ08-94-2001  《Civilconstruction water fire extinguishing system design specification》

DGJ08-88-2000  《Technicalspecification for smoke control of civil building》

JTJ237-99 《The loading and unloading oil wharf codefor fire protection design》

 JT416-2000 《Liquefied petroleum gas wharf safetytechnical requirements》


 Assessment service content

For fire control management system,building fire, smoke prevention system, exhaust system, electric facilities,indoor fire hydrant system, automatic fire extinguishing system, inflammableand explosive chemical plant, workshop, automatic fire alarm system, flammableand explosive chemicals warehouses, storage facilities such as the securitycontent of evaluation

evaluation process

sales department accepts order-contract review- sign the contract- Safety assessment department accepted anddistributed task -- Issue the fire safety assessment report-pay thefees-deliver reports- Safety assessment tasks end

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